A special agitator shaft with symmetrically arranged agitator pegs and sleeves of tungsten carbide for wear protection devel- Vertical, batch operation mill for the preparation of tungsten Ideal flow behaviour due to a special agitator peg arrange-ment and the hemispherically shaped chamber floor integrated screen plate for grinding media separationIntensive cooling through a double-wall grinding tank and cooled circulation pipeline
Product inlet via rotor / immersion tube system prevents back flow of grinding media into the feed line.
Generally, there are two ways to obtain nano-powders. A bottom-up manufacturing method (bottom up) for chemical methods, such as chemical precipitation, sol-gel process (sol-gel),... Another method is physical method, which changes the powder particles from big to small (top down), such as mechanical ball milling,... And so on.
The Development In 1963, the first vertical agitator was developed internationally, the first horizontal agitator was developed in 1975, the first horizontal agitator bead mill with eccentric disks was introduced to the public and the horizontal disc grinder was introduced, in 2004, which became the industry standard. In the following years, the grinding media separation systems, the geometry of the grinding disks and the various grinding chamber materials were further developed.
The grinding system pin nanomill shows the evolutionary develop- ment of system with the rotor-slotted pipe separating system. The enclosed horizontal agitator mill is designed for highest product throughput rates and possesses a pin grinding system for highest grinding intensity.
In 2011, we developed the first zirconia comminution chamber technology in China. It has no metal ion pollution and is used in batteries, pharmaceuticals, glazes, ink and food.
诺研(上海)机械仪器有限公司2010年成立了物理粉碎研磨流体力学研究中心(Nano grinding fluid research center),通过对先进流体力学和机械力粉碎化学的研用,设计高效研磨组件核心技术,并将经过科学实验验证的研磨工艺同高品质的研磨设备进行最优结合,面向材料干法、湿法研磨领域提供高效、高能超细分散及纳米研磨技术,现有干法万能气流研磨机、湿法纳米棒销卧式砂磨机、湿法盘式卧式砂磨机、湿法篮式砂磨机、实验室纳米研磨机、真空脱气机、高能分散机等,广泛应用于工业涂料、油墨、油漆、食品(巧克力、可可粉)、医药、化妆品、精细化工、陶瓷、矿物加工、造纸、纤维素、农药、电池、纳米新材料等高端领域。研磨后产品粒度分布窄,经第三方激光粒度仪或电镜检测(新能源绿色磷酸锂电池)最小细D90≤50nm。